Internship learning and procedures performed


This is prathyusha posted in medicine department from October 1st to 30 th November.


From 1st of oct to 15th October I was posted in peripherals

Icu, nephro, ward

In icu- 

During my icu, amc duties 

-I monitored vitals of patients every hourly

-Took abg samples

-put ryles tube for feeding

-foleys catheterization

- Done CPR in the icu

- blood transfusion 

In nephrology postings :

Assisted in central line procedure and done suturing

Monitored patients undergoing dialysis 

Learnt about dialysis procedure

In ward - took blood samples, monitored vitals 

I was posted in psychiatry from 16th to 30th October

In the OP saw cases of schizophrenia, Alcohol dependence syndrome, obsessive compulsive disorder. 

Used to monitor patients in the De addiction center.

One of the admission during my posting 

Diagnosis - panic attack

A 19 yr old male came to op with chief complaints of Increase in heart rate, hearing his own heart beat, fear of dying since 2 days

HOPI- patient was apparently alright 2 days ago then suddenly felt increase in heart beat ,felt more blood gushing to his brain. He tried to relax but nothing helped. These symptoms persisted and pt started feeling fearful so his father brought him to casualty where he was treated and discharged. But the symptoms resurfaced again for which he tried relaxation and diversion techniques and felt better but symptoms reappear every time he lies down. So he was again brought to casualty and was given tab. Clonazepam 0.25mg. C/o occasional bad dreams 4-5 times since last 2 months

Personal stressor +, financial stressor+

No h/o head injury, seizure activity, substance use, suicidality, repetitive thoughts and actions.

Past history:

Patient had one episode of similar complaints 2 months back

MSE at admission - GAB: fidgeting, PMA increased, speech normal

Thought: preoccupied about health, fear of dying+

Affect : anxious

Perception: NAD

Advise given to patient at discharge -

Patient attender counselled, psycho educated

T. Clonazepam 0.25mg po sos

Relaxation and diversion techniques explained 

Strict abstinence from alcohol.

I was posted in unit III from 1st to 30th November

And these are the cases I documented:

Case 1

Case 2

Case 3

Case 4


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